Added third-party thread network, but it doesn’t work properly.
I add third party thread network via Add dataset from TLV
Then perform the following steps:
After doing all this, re-add the matter over thread device. Unfortunately, we are still stuck at the step of checking the network.
I want to know the reason for this problem. Is there any missing configuration? I hope someone can help me?
This is true, but I want to verify this otbr alone to exclude interference from other networks. In theory I should be able to add it through Home Assistant
I tried again to use HA to access the third-party thread network, and made some new discoveries:
if the cache of the Google play service is not cleared,and you do not need to wait too long when adding a matter over thread device, a thread network error will be prompted. You can find that the thread network number displayed in the error message is not the same as the third-party network I added.
After ensuring that all the environment is clean, when I add the matter over thread device, I find that there will not be the previous thread network error, but it will always be stuck at checking the network.
In the same process, the external dongle is replaced to create a thread network. Everything is normal and thread devices can be added.The difference between them is that the external dongle only acts as an RCP. It has a USB physical connection with the HA. The openthread protocol stack is on the HA, and the HA has absolute control.
Correspondingly, the third-party thread network is a device separate from HA, and it is not the same host as HA.
I have some speculations:
Different platforms otbr cannot simply be shared. For example, you have a Google speaker at home that does not support thread, but you have a homepod that can be used as an otbr. If you want to use Google to use Apple’s otbr to add a thread device, I think it should not be simple. If anyone has implemented this, you can post it below Comment.
Similarly, the third-party thread network I added to HA cannot be used directly by HA. HA and the third-party device are under two different hosts. They can only communicate with each other through the LAN, so the question becomes, can HA use otbr on other hosts?