Adding a floorplan as picture element did not work

Hello there,

right now, I am very frustrated…I used home assistant in docker and so far everything works great. But since 3 days I try to add a floorplan, but it did not work. I read through several posts an youtube videos, but I am not able to find my mistake.

title: Keller_leer
panel: true
  - type: picture-elements
    image: /local/keller.png
     - type: state-badge
       entity: sensor.t_offset_e_kinderzimmer

The picture keller.png I put directly into the www folder, which is in the home assistant main folder.

But obviously it is not found…

Where is my mistake?


On mine I have the full url of the image:


Also, the www folder is in the config folder.

Hey there,

I tired it, but it did not work either.

title: Keller_leer
panel: true
  - type: picture-elements
     - type: state-badge
       entity: sensor.t_offset_e_kinderzimmer

With docker there ist no config folder. It is the main folder, where www is in.

Is there something else I have to change?

Sorry - I don’t use docker, so I really don’t know what I’m talking about…

Just try to open the image url in a browser. It will at least be easier to debug that way than by changing the lovelace config for each test.

Thank you, that was a good idea. But up till now I have no idea, how to solve this issue…

The browser might give you a better error message than just the image not showing up. Is it a problem with the certificate? A 404 not found? Another error?
Could it be file or directory permissions on your ‘www’ folder or the file itself?

Mh, unfortunaletly its always 404…if tried several paths but non worked up till now…

Is it because you’re using https?

I also tried http with the diffrent port. But it did not work either…I also tried to setup up the container in high priority, but it also did not work.
Another issue I am facing is, that I m not able to connect my Synology as integration…even als inputs are correct. Maybe this is somehow connected?

Are you using the same url as accessing your Ha in a browser just with a “/local/keller.png” behind?
The /docker/homeassistant-stuff looks very wrong…

Yes I did.
But just with the direct ip

because I do not want to connect with my home assistant via internet.

And in the browser opens HA?

Yes it does.

In addition, I am also not able to link ssl certificates to my docker container. They are not fund…I think it has something to do with rights and permission, but I need help to solve it…any idea?