First I tried to connect:
3.3V on switch to 3.3V on sonoff mini
GND on switch to GND close to 3.3V
OUT on switch to GPIO0
but this does not work,
so I changed:
3.3V remains same
GND on switch goes to GND close to GPIO4
OUT on switch goes to GPIO4
But still nothing.
In both cases when I touch switch it lights up but nothing happended with sononff
(either on “switch” side or in log).
my config (last part) is:
seems there something wrong either with code or switch connection?
before I used ordinary two state switch and everything was working OK.
Can someone help me with that?
If no one has a clue what can I done wrong,
I will remove one sonoff basic from environment and make test on that
I hope difference between sonoff basic and sonoff mini should not be a problem
or that I was using esphome instead of tasmota neither.
when I do it on Sonoff Basic V2 it’s working OK
touch switch is connected to: GPIO14 Optional Sensor (C1 Pin 5)
which pin should I use on sonoff mini?
which one should be similar to GPIO14 on Sonoff Basic (c1 pin 5)?
you were right - It works now - thank you very much
but one more question:
If i touch it too slow it switches on and off
how to set the code it will read next change state in let’s say two seconds?
(i don’t know it I explained it correctly)