Adding a Z-wave lock to HomeKit with HA as the primary network

I have a Schlage z-wave lock and have been running it on my ISY network and I just moved all two of my z-wave devices over to hassio using the Aeotec dongle. One thing I immediately noticed is that the lock no longer shows in HomeKit. I’m using the same Homekit.yaml file when the ISY is the z-wave primary network and when the HA is the primary. The only difference is that for the ISY lock.front_door became lock.schlage_be469_touchscreen_deadbolt_locked_2 for Hassio.

All of my ISY devices (that aren’t in the "ignore folder) are being pulled into HA. I can see all my z-wave devices in HA and control them. However, the lock is just not appearing in Homekit.

Just to reiterate, with the ISY, the lock was added to the ISY and imported into HA using the ISY component. Then the entity_id of the lock was added to the Homekit component and the lock appeared
as a lock, including the notification feature.

When I added the lock directly to HA via the dongle, I took the entity_id HA gave to it when it was added to the network and added it to the Homekit component, and it failed to appear.

    - alarm_control_panel
    - automation 
    - input_boolean
    - remote 
    - script
    - binary_sensor
    - climate
    - cover
    - device_tracker
    - fan
    - light
    - lock
    - media_player
    - sensor
    - switch
    - cover.garage_door_opener
    - script.temporarily_disable_pihole
    - lock.front_door
    - input_boolean.autolock

This should help:

The docs have automation homekit: listed as a component, which doesn’t work. A normal automation does.


Please post a link to that doc page.
The key for Homekit is just homekit. Also make sure not to exclude the entity with the filter (by exident).

On this page and the text in question says (emphasis added):

<p class=’note’ Please remember that as explained here you can only have a single automation: entry. Add the automation to your existing automations, or use automation homekit: </p>

although it appears on the page as automation homekit:

Thanks for the heads up. That was added recently and is misleading IMO. Important to note is that the key for the HomeKit component is:


and if you want to add the delay start automation that should be inside the:


key. Which can only be added once per config (the top level automation key I mean).