Adding AI to HA

i dont think in rooms.
but in general whats most important for me is heating, light, and motion
but i am way more interested in persons.
is a person sleeping, awake or occupying some room.

only if you know if people are somewhere, you can predict thir needs.
and the only importance for automations is that the people occupying the house get what they need.


This sounds exactly what I am looking for, except I want it to learn the standard routines and notify if something out of routine has happened.

Apologies for dragging up an old topic.

I am looking at building in some AI for one specific use case. determining when the house wakes up.

Currently, i have no wake-up alarms that need to be set, i have kids that can end up waking the house any time from 6 am to 9 am, I have lux based lights as well as home assistant based alarm system that will need to be disabled every morning as well as turning on the lights if the brightness in the house meets the threshold.

My thoughts around adding AI are to predict and or determine when people in the house are awake and the house should also wake up lights, alarms etc.

I have been using home assistant for nearly two years now so have door sensors, motion sensors, smart lights etc, so i think there is enough data to see a pattern of what an awake house looks like, vs an asleep house, I can pick the time when everyone is up via the data.

I am doing research at the moment on what the best machine learning algorithms would be for this.

i predict that your kids will wake up between 6 and 9 am :wink:
its the same prediction you give, and probably the same prediction an AI will come to.

if you got door sensors and motion sensors, dont predict, but act on triggers :wink:

my house wakes up as soon as my wife wakes up for years now. (she also wakes up between 6 and 9)
i can try to predict that moment, so that the house will wake up 5 mins before her.
but if the time isnt regular, the prediction will probably be off.
its more usefull to let the house wake up at the same time.

in our case its just a few motion sensors that need to be triggered in a certain order in a certain timeframe.

I agree with @ReneTode. So, for my house, my wife and I are typically out of bed anywhere between 6 and 8 am. The house starts waking up every morning at 5:50 am and sets various lighting schedules to an “early morning” mode that get tripped on motion. The only deviancy is on weekends where the house starts waking up at 6:50 am.

Good morning everyone !

I discovered Home Assistant a few years ago and I must say that it has really changed my life in the field of home automation, realizing many of my dreams and automating many situations.

After many experiments and many successes I realized that I was missing something, something really important.
Everything I created: routines, actions, scenarios, etc … are completely static and respond only to the conditions and directives imposed in the programming in Home Assistant.

What I was missing was a system of automatic understanding of certain situations that, based on experience and consideration of other sensors, would semi-automatically (or automatically) activate or deactivate a certain switch.

For example, if I always turn on the TV every day from 2pm to 6pm, at some point it will ask me if I have pleasure in watching TV, if the conditions are similar to those already passed.

I think this is a bit of everyone’s dream, and as a good Python programmer I couldn’t stop myself from trying such an approach, through the appDeamon addon.

If you are interested and want more information or if you want to help me in some way (even with the code) I leave you my github repository (in English)

Hoping not to have disturbed you, I thank you for reading and for any interest!


Good morning everyone,
I wanted to inform you that in these two weeks I have completely rethought and redone the code of my repository, which allows the activation of a switch according to your habits.

Still the project is under development and if you want to help me in some way, I would be really happy!

Some news:

  • Compatible with influxDB !
  • If influxDB is not available, use the HASS history
  • All objects are managed by Pandas frames
  • The day of the week, the season, the quarter, the beginning and the end of the month are taken into account.
  • Situations are generated through an internal patternMarching and are integrated in a heuristic way.
  • much more!

If you have practice with Pyton and want to help, I would be very happy!
Otherwise, if you want, you can buy me a beer :slight_smile:


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Good morning everyone and sorry for my long absence.

In this period I have done many experiments but I was not satisfied. I wrote this post to share with you my experiences and thoughts, so we can discuss them together.

I would like to receive your comments
Thank you!