Hi guys, this is the first time I try to create a custom component for home assistant and the first time I use python in general (I have experience with C++ like languages). I want to extend the Light component to work with my bluetooth rgb light.
The code I wrote until now seems to work fine (I followed the creating platforms documentation) yet I have a problem: my light supports setting the speed for the effects and I want to add that attribute to home assistant.
In my component class I have overridden the state_attributes property and added the effect speed attribute but that works kinda buggy: first I am not able to change it via GUI (no slider appears but I guess I’d have to edit the frontend to do that) and second I am not able to specify that attribute when I call the light.turn_on service (no error appears but it does not change the attribute).
The component code is here: https://github.com/Edoardo396/mipow-hass
The library it references is here: https://github.com/Edoardo396/mipow-library
This is the service attributes I expected they’d change the effect_speed:
Service: light.turn_on
Entity: light.playbulb_sphere
“entity_id”: “light.playbulb_sphere”,
“effect_speed”: 50,
“hs_color”: [0,100],
“white_value”: 0,
“effect”: “Pulse”
Sorry for my broken english, it is not my native language