Adding, Changing ONVIF Cameras?

  1. I have one camera (I-O Data TS-NS220W) which automatically discovered by the ONVIF integration. I have another camera (TP-Link C200) which not discovered by the ONVIF integration and needs to be added manually. How does ONVIF discovery works?
  2. I changed the IP address of the manually added camera. The camera does not work anymore. How do I change the IP address of the ONVIF integration device?

You can add the Onvif integration again with the new IP’s which will group the integration, and then delete the old camera configured using the 3 dots on the bottom right after selecting the camera from the list or vice versa.

2 Cam’s Configured

1 Selected

Then delete

FYI: You can add the integration as many times as needed, with 1 camera each time, you don not need to add all the cameras at the same time.

Thanks @Coolie1101. That worked for me. Do you know how the ONVIF camera is able to auto discover some ONVIF cameras and not others?

Not sure exactly, could be variations of Ovif, if you have cameras that are definitely Onvif compliant and not detected, you can download Onvif Device Manage and see if they show up there.

ONVIF Device Manager does discover the TP-Link Tapo C200; Home Assistant does not discover the C200.

Did you try port 2020 for the C200, I have the C100 and had to tell Onvif to use port 2020 to get it to be discovered. It doesn’t use the default port that is suggested to you.

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I am able to manually add the camera using port 2020. The ONVIF integration does not automatically discovers the C200.

No it won’t automatically for 2 reasons.
1 the default port that the onvif integration is looking for is not the port that the camera is using.
2 the camera has a username and password.

Thanks for clarifying. Just curious. Does this mean TP-Link is not following the ONVIF device discovery specification or is the HA ONVIF integration device discovery limited?

I have several cameras, all cheap chinese, acquired over time. Alle support Onvif, but the ports that give access to the Onvif device description differs. You can check which version your camera has on the identification tab of the Onvif Device Manager, the last line, just below the OnviF version.
I have the following versions:
http://192.168.2.xx/onvif/device_service (so default port 80)

I was able to manually add the Tapo C200 manually using port 2020.

I am wondering why it is not discovered by HA while it is covered by ONVIF Device Manager.

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