Very noobish here, just got my Hass install working. Currently only have a single device, a LB60Z-1 Smart Bulb. The Hass directions for adding new devices did not seem to cover the case where the device is “paired” offline with the Z-stick.
So if you add a device offline to the Z-stick, you have to still go through the add_node step in Hass right? Any words of wisdom here?
Hello, i setup my long time ago but if i recall correctly, to pair new device with the Z-stick you will be force to be offline because you need to unplug from the computer the stick (On my case a PI) after pair with the device, just restart de pi and HA will see the new device
If you have already added it offline with the USB stick disconnected then just plugging it back in and restarting HA should pick it up (give it 5-10 mins).
Failing that, I’ve noticed that even though the device might already be paired, running an “add node” does seem to refresh HA somehow (it should keep the same device ID number even though you’re readding it