I’m fairly (very) new to Home Assistant. I run the HA VM on unraid and I already have a lot of services running in Unraid but that I wish to ”integrate” into HA, e.g. grocy and more but I don’t want to run them inside HA. Is it possible to connect them to HA without merging them? Sorry if my question is vague or complicated but I’m not sure how to ask the question and I’ve tried searching here but don’t really know where to start.
Sounds like you don’t want to use addons. That’s fine. Install using the Core, Container or Supervised method and you can continue to use your existing applications. You can still connect to them via integrations as finity mentioned.
I already run several containers on unraid but I would like data from the visible from within HomeAssistant.
I don’t understand what you mean by ”the services that you connect those integrations to don’t run in HA”. If I install the nginx proxy manager through the add-on, doesn’t that run within HA?
No, it runs externally to “Home Assistant” just like any other Docker container (add-ons ARE Docker containers).
But those containers are administered/maintained by the HA Supervisor. Which technically doesn’t “run in HA” either since it is its own Docker container as well.
The HA Supervised is a suite of Docker containers that work in tandem to administer/maintain the HA ecosystem. And “Home Assistant” itself (the core) is also one of those containers.
The Mobile App integration allows Home Assistant mobile apps to easily integrate with Home Assistant . If you are planning to use a mobile application.