Adding Fibaro z-wave to energy board

I am fairly new to the Home Assistant field. I have installed HA on a raspberry pi 4 and I use a z-stick 7. I have installed connectors from Fibaro via z-wave, I can also view the connectors and the consumption of the connected devices in z-wave.
In my energy board I can view the consumption of my other added devices. However, I also want to add the consumption of my Fibaro plugs in the energy board. I can’t do this! I’ve searched the internet, but can’t find if this is possible.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if so, how?

Fibaro devices like the Z-Wave dimmer FGD-212 record the power consumption of an individual device, however the HASS Energy tab is designed to look at an entire home.

It may be possible to add all power monitoring switches and dimmers to a group to get a total energy usage for the monitored devices, but that’ll likely exclude the largest loads like water and space heating.

I’ve not bothered - 0.08A from a LED isn’t worth tracking (a FGD-212 measures 19.3 W for 4x LEDs @ 240V). Instead, I use a 120A current clamp on the main incoming electrical phase wire measured by a Shelly PM.

Hope this helps explain why monitored switches don’t appear in the Energy tab.


Ok thanks James, but I would still like to make a choice to put z-wave devices in my energy board, or other lovelace. These are plugs that register how much my washing machine uses and my dryer is also connected to a Fibaro plug. I have no idea if this is possible, but it seems possible to me. Only: which lines of code are needed and where should they be placed?
