Anyone been successful adding HA with a z-wave USB stick as secondary controller to an ISY? I want to keep my ISY as primary, but add HA as secondary controller on the ISY network.
I just got a z wave stick and was wondering if this was possible also. ISY doesn’t seem to like the z wave too much and would like to explore how HA deals with it.
I’ll report back if I figure anything out.
Well I added zwave to my HA config and tried messing with adding the ISY and well…it didn’t go well.
Lost ALL of my zwave from the ISY and had to go to a backup to restore them.
There is an update to openzwave coming in the next HA release so I’m going to wait until after that and then maybe try again.
Curious if you tried with the openzwave? I just purchased an Aeotec to do this exact thing.
If you mean as a secondary controller to the ISY then no. I have moved on to 5.3.1 for the ISY and there is no menu option to use secondary controllers any longer.
@MechEng70 hi, if you use the learn mode on the ISY while the Aeotec stick is in include mode on HASS then you can get ISY and HASS to work together
**** WARNING***
this does seem to be fragile, i found that nodes would not appear on HASS, when i did a heal on the ISY all devices were removed and a restore did not restore them. However once in this mode including a device on HASS and the doing a sync for new and added devices on the ISY made them show up. I only did this with one device so far - have to rebuild my z-wave network! Oops
Been a while but I am back looking at this.
I have the aeotec USB connected to HA. Now I believe I need to put the USB stick into learn mode and add it to the ISY. Seems like @scyto may have done it the opposite way. Or maybe I read it wrong.
From what I found, the zwave-js does not support putting the USB stick into learn mode. So, I am seeing what is available for my macos or the Linux server that can get it into that mode. One issue that I think may come up is that the USB had connected with HA and has all it’s tokens etc.
This may be the piece of the puzzle that I need.
Got it to add to the ISY network.
The nodes then duplicated in home assistant. None of the names in the ISY carried over. So now I have double the devices and entities.
i’m sure you got it installed, hadn’t checked forums since summer, sorry
just for clarity, i decided to not have ISY participate in zwave and i rebuilt my network using the silicon labs USB adapter - i haven’t looked back, it has been rock solid, all my issues the ISY had with zwave devices like locks is gone
@scyto , same situation here. I converted all of my z-wave from ISY to Home Assistant. MUCH more reliable and easy to use with Home Assistant. In the past, I was never sure of the status of my locks. Sometimes they were correct, sometimes not. Now I can actually rely on what Home Assistant tells me about the locks. I also converted about 30 programs from ISY to Home Assistant. Took a while to figure out how to do everything since I was so used to the If/Then/Else of ISY, but Home Assistant is so much more powerful.
While I’m not fully converted over I’m on my way. The locks I have on Homeassistant now work…like you said. I still have a couple that are still on the ISY and they still drop off randomly.
So a third vote for zwave on Home assistant vs. letting the ISY do it.
Just for reference…I’m using a zooz 500 series stick (I know…it is old at this point) and I run HAOS and have the Z-wave JS UI addon managing things.