Adding IKEA shortcut button with zha and skyconnect

Hi everybody,
I have some ikea shortcut buttons in my home assistant setup. I’m using the skyconnect to communicate with my zigbee devices. For some reason the shortcuts are identified with different quirks.
Here is one example: image
In the other case the quirk used is: zhaquirks.ikea.shortcutbtn.IkeaTradfriShortcutBtn
In my case zhaquirks.ikea.shortcutbtn.IkeaTradfriShortcutBtn seems to be the correct version because in zhaquirks.ikea.shortcutbtn.IkeaTradfriShortcutBtn2 the battery for examples shows unphysical values above 100%.
So my question is, why are the same buttons are connected with different quirks and can I force to use the zhaquirks.ikea.shortcutbtn.IkeaTradfriShortcutBtn quirk somehow?
Thank you in advance. If you need any additional information please let me know.

did you add all buttons at the same time? And are they all running with the same firmware version? I think the Btn2 quirk is newer, but if you added some buttons earlier their quirks will not be automatically updated.
There was an issue with battery status in the firmware which was compensated in the earlier quirk version but with newer firmware the issue was fixed by IKEA and then the quirk was leading to >100% battery status. This was then addressed with newer version of the quirk.
See here: [Device Support Request] IKEA controller with 24.X firmware battery readings. · Issue #2203 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub

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Thank you for the hint. I subscriebd to the thread on github now! :slight_smile: