You don’t need to copy anything from GitHub
In the configuration.yaml you just configure the integration with the required parameter. No programming
But question remains. What climate do you want to integrate?
thank you, that helps in understanding that integrations like Climate are pre-packaged. What Climate do I want to integrate? Its a dumb (but nice) toe-kick heater with a fan, so I need to keep the power on all the time to the unit for it to cool down and will use a z-wave relay to control the heater, bypassing the onboard thermostat, with the sensor being a Zooz 4-1. So I believe that is the generic thermostat, So I’m thinking the Climate integration provides the Lovelace Thermostat Card? Pretty cool stuff.
Yes! the Generic Thermostat is all that was needed. Awesome job to the developers!
I’m trying get an integration installed on my Raspberry PI HA server. Its the Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration and it isn’t listed in the supported integrations.
The package is on github at
I’ve read the install instructions which say either use HACS or manually install.
I’ve read up on istalling HACS and it seems like its more work than just installing the Drayton Wiser component, and its another integration that isn’t in the list of supported integrations.
My HA server is on a Raspberry PI, and since setting it up I’ve only ever set things up from the UI, never from SSH/Telenet or SCP/FTP. I use the File Editor plugin to edit files.
So all I want know is where do I go from the UI to get to the command line to follow the manual installation instructions from github namely…
On your server clone the github repository into a suitable directory using the following command git clone
Switch to either the master or dev branch as per your requirements. e.g. git checkout master or git checkout dev
Create a custom_components directory within your Home Assistant directory config directory
Within the custom components directory copy the wiser folder, from the directory where you github cloned the wiser component, to your installations custom components directory.
Any help appreciated.
You don’t do any of that in the UI. You do all of that using SSH.
Thanks for the quick reply Tinkerer.
How do I enable SSH? I tried to get in using my usual putty on port 22, but I get “connection refused”.
Do I use root, admin or my HA user? If root / admin where do I set up the password (or is there a default)?
If you installed using HAOS then you need to install and configure one of the SSH add-ons.
Brilliant, Thanks.
I installed “Terminal & SSH”. After updating my copy of PuTTY I managed to get a login and executed the required commands.
I think the “Terminal & SSH” is quite a nice little tool. I’ve deliberately left “Start on boot” disabled, so that remove login is locked out until I start the add-on.