Adding integrations from github rather from UI


New user to HA here, got it all running on my pi ok, by using the all in one installer, but could anyone please point me to a simple guide to adding integrations directly from github?

I’ve been able to add intergrations direct from the UI and using HACS, but as not all are available by this method, how do I add integrations from github?


Usually by following the instructions on the github repository.


Thankyou for the reply Tom,

How do I copy the files from github into HA? If have tried creating new files with the same names in the custom directory then copy and pasting the text across, but this does not seem to work and the names of the files are highlighted in red?

Is this the correct method and I am going wrong somewhere or totally the wrong way of creating the files?

It depends what you’re talking about.

If you’re referring to anything found here then you don’t add any files, you just follow the instructions.

If you’re talking about custom components then the GitHub repo should tell you how to install.

If you’re not sure, link to an example and we can help you.

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Please be aware that not ALL addon are available for ALL platforms

Add-ons aren’t integrations though - and this topic is about integrations :wink:

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Damn my eyesight, poor reading skills and crap speed reading !


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Thankyou for the reply.

I am not sure if i am missing something simple about intergrations?

The first intergrations I installed was fro the UI running on the PI with HA installed, on this page is says not all intergrations are available via the UI, therefore I am struggling to see how to add the other intergrations which are not showing on the list running on the pi?

The one in particular is smtp, I can see find the files in GitHub but how do I get them onto the pi?

You don’t need to go to github. Just follow the documentation.

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I think I have got it now.

So all the integrations shown on the HA website are already “installed”, therefore the integrations found in settings>intergrations just allow easy setup, rather that having to setup things in the config tile?

How do I then install custom integrations?

There are 2 types of custom integrations : those that are supported by HACS, and those that are not.
For the ones supported by HACS : simply click ‘install’ in HACS.

BTW : HACS itself is a custom integration, how to install you find here :

For those that are not supported by HACS : you have to go to their github page and follow the instructions.


I’ve added HACS and can add the intergrations that are listed there.

Still struggling to understand how to add from github, exactly how do I do this?:


To get started put all the files from /custom_components/youtube/ here: <config directory>/custom_components/youtube/

Sorry if this is a basic thing but can’t quite work this bit out. Do I need to download and copy to sd card, or create blank file on pi in custom folder and copy the text into file?

What github does this come from ?

Most of the time, you will see something like this on github :


You just download the zip, and extract it to /config/custom_components/…

Then follow the rest of the instructions about adding a configuration.yaml entry.

Hi Francis

Sorry for all these daft questions, I have now found where to download the files on github,

Where do I go next when download and unzipping?

Just to be clear I am not viewing the GitHub pages via the pi, but on my laptop.
I am familiar with downloading and in zipping windows files, but when I try to copy the files onto the sd card, I can’t see the directory location on the sd card to place these files in?

Install the samba add-on, so you can access the directory from Windows.

Sorry, I’m still confused. I wish to use the Climate Integration. I can’t find it on my Integration Tab and the git-hub site doesn’t have a readMe, so very confused on how to integrate it.

I’m assuming, from the Internet, that there is no Integration GUI and all of this is done by configuring yaml code, but heck I’d think the GitHub site would be more authoritative, but no help seems to exist?

Home Assistant 2021.12.4

Which climate integration? There are 80 options available, plus many custom components.

when i go to the ‘80’ options page, some of the integrations can use a UI for integration. For instance if I click on ‘AirTouch4’, I am presented, on the page a “add integration” radio button. However, if I click on “Climate”, I don’t get the radio button. Apparently I have to type the ‘climate’ information in ‘configuration.yaml’ and other files. So all that Python code on core/homeassistant/components/climate at dev · home-assistant/core · GitHub, (no ReadMe) is already in HA? this is the part I’m confused about, in the GitHub’s ‘component’ folder, 1021 integrations are shown. some need to be installed, yet some are part of the base HA?