Hello everyone!
I have been a long time (4 years) user of HA. I haven’t develop much myself. But I have something I would like to share with the community.
I have seen a lot of people using Alexa to add items to HA Shopping List. But almost all alternatives required using a middle list. Something like todoist or IFTTT. But I didn’t like those options. Some of them required a premium subscription and some are not even available in my country.
So I worked out another way. It’s very similar to Haaska, Creating your own Alexa skill + lambda. Because you are most probably not adding millions of items to your shopping list each month this could run for free on your AWS developer account.
Find the project with instructions here: CocoListSkill. There are instructions on how to setup for Nabu Casa or regular open to internet HA.
The most important limitation right now is that it can just add items to HA Shopping List. I hope to improve this in the future.
I would love the feedback. Thanks!