Adding memo field to a device data

It may be already a request, but I could not find it.
I would like to have an extra memo field onto a devices data, to store things like dates and problems occured, the solutions, exact location of the device(sometimes I forget where I hide them, blush) and those kind of stuff. Now I store it into a separate database which feels kinda stupid.
Maybe there is already a solution for this, I am pretty new to HA
If that is the case sorry…

It sounds like a good idea, until it is not. :slight_smile:
I use the Powercalc integration to add power reading to devices and entities that normally do not have them and it would be the same you would do with other info.
It works fine normally, but then something happens and the original devices are re-added with a _2 in the end of their name.
The solution to this is to remove the old one and rename the new ones and everything run again.
But the Powercalc information that was stored as extra info on the old one is now gone too.

It is risky to tie important information directly to a device/entity!

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Plenty of similar requests for “notes” instead of “memo” in the search :wink:
Until this is done in the UI, you can add custom attributes as a workaround as described here

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Make sense, I did not realize that. However, sometimes I do add existing devices which lost connection and (probably due to their ID’s) takeover previous settings etc, like which area it is used, the automation there into etc.
It sounds a bit like, you could run into ‘memo history problems’ but not always

That would indeed work!!

That is correct. If the device have an unique ID, then they will reoccupy the old device.
The problem is that you do not really control what devices that get suddenly re-added. :slight_smile: