Adding modifiable countdownt to turn off a socket in lovelace dashboard


I have a light on a smart socket and I would like to add option to dashboard to shut it down (countdown) after given time, something similar to whats on the screenshot.

How to do it?

Two input numbers - one for hours and one for minutes.
After you set the numbers, trigger a script where you set a delay with the input numbers and after the delay it turns off the plug.

Alternatively you could also make a datetime helper, where you set the absolute time and the script would wait for a trigger when the time is met.

I have this kind of a scenario, my motion sensors do not turn lights on or off they just (re)start or stop timers, and the timer duration is set to the setting for the input number formatted as a slider. Motion or turning the light on (re)starts the timer, automations also for restarting the time with the time selected on the slider when the slider changes, stoppping the timer when the bulb is turned off, starting the timer when the bulb is turned on, etc. (when the light is off and someone changes the slider you don’t even need to do anything with that scenario!) All the logic is ignored if the drop down is changed to “Disabled”, etc.


(I should probably rename my relay to ‘bathroom light switch’ or the like…)

I find the coding is MUCH easier if I have many automations, each named with an easy to understand name, and each automation only does one thing. I think people have a lot of issues when they try to build everything into one big automationm, it ends up being a mess - which is also hard to debug and when there is one mistake then everything is broken etc.) I think some people think it is bad to have alot of automations - and if so that is not the correct mindset!


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I agree that a timer is a good solution. Also that it’s better to have each automation only do one thing. I won’t argue that last point though, I know some prefer to pack 'em full of functionality.

My use was a timer for the outdoor water spigots in the yard. For a number of reasons, I wanted them all off when not in use. I use an input_select button to pick how long I want it to remain on for, and just a generic timer:

# Yard Water Time Select Button and Timer
      name: Yard Water On Time Minutes
        - "OFF"
        - "30"
        - "60"
        - "90"
        - "120"
      icon: mdi:timer

    duration: '00:30:00'

My automations look like this:

# Activate Power Operated Water Valve
- id: id_water_timer
  alias: Update Water Timer
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.water_time_select
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ not is_state(''input_select.water_time_select'', ''OFF'')
  - service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.tz3000_o4cjetlm_ts0001_on_off
  - service: timer.start
      entity_id: timer.water_timer
        minutes: '{{ states(''input_select.water_time_select'') }}'

- id: id_water_timer_expired
  alias: Water Timer Expired
  - platform: event
    event_type: timer.finished
      entity_id: timer.water_timer
  - service: light.turn_off
    entity_id: light.tz3000_o4cjetlm_ts0001_on_off
  - service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.water_time_select
      option: 'OFF'

- id: id_water_timer_off
  alias: Water Timer select OFF
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.water_time_select
    to: 'OFF'
  - service: timer.finish
    entity_id: timer.water_timer

Just to be clear, I’m no expert. This is what I came up with, and it works. No doubt there are a dozen other ways, some better.

Just to clarify (I have read the suggestions) I want to mirror functionality from the app.

Light on a smart socket is just an example, it could be any device that I want to be shutdown in n time form now, turning on manually.

In my current use case it’s a 3D printer, which I want to turn off at night after print is done (+ some time for nozzle cool down).

I mean I got it kinda done by using GitHub - pmongloid/flipdown-timer-card: Flipdown Timer Card for Home Assistant Lovelace
From HACS,

  • and then creating a timer
  • and then attaching it to a custom card (flipdown-timer)
  • and then adding automation to socket to turn off when timer get from Active to Idle

And I would have to do that for every socket manually and I can’t just click on icon of a socket to get to all functionality different that just switching it off or on.

I’m just surprised this is not implemented as a default and I’m gonna have to hack around to make it useful.