Adding more than one Spotify account -problem adding my wife's

I have added my Spotify account and can use the Spotify card but I cannot seem to add my wife’s account. I am the primary user and my wife is one of those under the family premium account. Went I went onto the SDP I added her as a user. I have done the dc/sp key thing for her aswell and tried to follow the other posts where it said log into that user’s account on another tab in the browser and then add the integration again and the second account will be added. I have tried that multiple times with no joy. Any tips or suggestions as I want her to have a custom card where she can select her own playlists - to just mine off the primary account.

And I seem to have made it worse. I tried deleting the Spotify integration. Tried to reading it - managed to add my wife’s first for some reason but the couldn’t add mine. So I’ve deleted hers and now I can’t add anything. When I tried an incognito browser aswellit looks as though it is working but then nothing is added. Occasionally it will appear with CONFIGURE as an option and when you click on that it shows:

Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:“Invalid flow specified”}

Think I’ve done enough damage to be night as lost spotify access completely now. Any help appreciated

I finally cracked it after about 30 restarts ad trying over and over again. What I haven’t solved is the custom card for Spotify - using spot cast - as this only how’s my primary account but I want mow wife to have her own card with her playlist. I have the sp_dc sp_keys for both but only mine is showing up. Any ideas on this one?