Adding Multiple Ecobee Thermostats


Currently building a system to control multiple thermostats.

Would prefer to use Ecobee but not sure how to add multiple Ecobees to my HA instance.

Has anyone had any luck with doing this?

Thanks in advance

I have two Ecobees and they both show up in HA. I use the Ecobee integration. As long as the thermostats are logged into your account and you follow the procedure to create a developer account and API key, they will all show up in HA. The alternate way of adding the thermostats to HA is through the HomeKit Controller integration, but I do not have experience with that.

Thanks for your response.

I already have on Ecobee thermostat added to HA.

If I understood correctly, by adding another thermostat to the same developer account - it will automatically be included under the same API Key and therefore - automatically show up in HA?

*I don’t have another Ecobee to try right now but don’t want to go out and buy another one only to find that it doesn’t work :slightly_smiling_face:

yes. I can confirm just adding it to your Ecobee account it will show up in HA. I’ve had to reset a thermostat recently and once I added it to my account, it showed up in HA.

Great, thanks so much for letting me know