Adding multiple notifiers in yaml file

It took me 2 days to figure this out and I post it here maybe someone would benefit from it.
If you want to add multiple notifies in configuration.yaml you should list them under the same
“notify:” category as listed below, and note that the first notify settings start with “- platform” and the second notify setting also starts where the second “- platform” is, without spaces between them.

# Notifier
  - platform: telegram                 #1st notify starts here
    name: "Telegram Notifier"
    chat_id: -420156xxxx            #1st notify ends here
  - platform: rest                        #2nd notify starts here
    name: "Telegram Caller"
      source: HA
      user: "@xxxxxxx"   
      lang: en-GB-Standard-B      #2nd notify ends here

Sorry, what spaces do you mean?
Afaik in all places of HA it is possible to declare like this:

  - xxx: xxx
    xxx: xxx
  - xxx: xxx
    xxx: xxx



  - xxx: xxx
    xxx: xxx

  - xxx: xxx
    xxx: xxx
  • xxx: xxx
    xxx: xxx

    • xxx: xxx
      xxx: xxx
      didn’t work for me, i had to go with:
    • xxx: xxx
      xxx: xxx
    • xxx: xxx
      xxx: xxx