Adding multiple platforms to configuration.yaml

Im trying to add multiple platforms to my ligt setup in configuration.yaml however I seem to continually get errors. Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong or if adding multple platforms is viable:

  platform: limitlessled
    - host:
      port: 8899
      version: 5
      - number: 1
        type: rgbw
        name: Lounge
      - number: 2
        type: rgbw
        name: Kitchen
      - number: 3
        type: rgbw
        name: Dining Room
        fade: true
      - number: 4
        type: rgbw
        name: Entrance
    - host:
      - number: 1
        name: Basement Sofa
        type: rgbw
      - number: 1
        type: bridge-led
        name: Bridge Light
      - number: 2
        type: rgbw
        name: Dresser
      - number: 3
        type: rgbw
        name: Storage Unit
        fade: true
      - number: 4
        type: rgbw
        name: Bed
   platform: flux_led
        name: Basement TV Lights
        mode: "rgb"

Here’s an example of how I integrate multiple device_tracker platforms:

  - platform: google_maps
    username: !secret google_user
    scan_interval: 60

  - platform: icloud
    username: !secret icloud_user
    password: !secret icloud_pass
    account_name: XXXX
    max_interval: 5

I believe the - character acts as a list item (like <li> in html), and should be used to define multiple platforms.

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That’s correct, the dash indicates that it is an item in a list.

As you have it now, the system thinks that all belongs to the same item and you can’t have multiple platforms in one item. Add a dash in front of the two platforms and indent everything accordingly.