I have recently moved into a new property, with an IVT (Bosch) heat pump.
The outdoor unit is an AirO Hydro C (13/11kW)
The control unit is labelled Hydrocomfort 17 / AirBox E 130-170
I would like to get telemetry and alarms from the system into Home Assistant, and if possible also control / configure it. Probably by using Home Assistant Installation Guide · bosch-thermostat/home-assistant-bosch-custom-component Wiki · GitHub
In my quest for connection the system, this is what I have found out so far:
The control unit has a RJ45 socket. If I connect a network cable, the device requests an IP address from my DHCP server.
Scanning the device with nmap, I get the following:
Host is up (0.015s latency).
Not shown: 65534 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
80/tcp open http
MAC Address: 00:60:<redacted> (Robert Bosch GmbH)
This led me to Support IVT IP module · Issue #18 · robertklep/bosch-xmpp · GitHub and I am able to get an (presumably encrypted, because doing base64 decode doesn’t result in anything readable) response:
curl -H "User-Agent: TeleHeater/1.0.0"
When I try to add the system to the IVT Anywhere (I) app, by scanning the QR code on the IP module, I get “Authentication failed at the gateway”. If I do the same in the IVT Anywhere II app, I get “Device not found”.
I have pressed the reset button on the IP module for about 10 seconds. That turned on a red light behind the reset button, which blinked for a few seconds and then everything went back to normal.
The previous owner did not use internet, so I doubt the IP module has been connected before.
On the control panel, in the “Internet” section, I can see that SW-version is listed as “00.00”. Login name and passwords are empty and the mac address is empty.
I found a menu where I could reset the personal internet password, but doing that didn’t help.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I might proceed?