Adding picture for a badge?

I want to add a picture to insert in a badge in the lovelace front end.

I know it goes in a special folder…www, but I don’t have one…and I can’t find any concise statement of where to create it (I’m currently on 96.1) Once created, what file type and size picture should I load. Jpg? BMP? other? I can create any at any size…just don’t know which to use.

You create it in the config directory.

ok…now what type of file and how big should the picture be?

Any universal image file, any size. Make it square in shape.

You also have to restart HA after creating the www directory before it can be used.

I want it too, but I don’t know what to edit to get such picture shown on the badge. Is lovelace-UI.yaml to be modified ?

This image goes in the customize section for badges.

Thanks Petro, it was a section that I haven’t noted the existence.
After several fail&try I got it placed. But I had to work on the yaml file to describe correctly.

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