Adding resources

Hi everyone.

I have my lovelace in yaml mode (extract of my configuration.yaml.

  mode: yaml
        mode: yaml
        title: Tablet
        icon: mdi:dip-switch
        show_in_sidebar: true
        filename: /config/ui-tablet.yaml

I have 3 dashboards, the default “Overview”, the “Tablet” (both in yaml mode) and “Sandbox” dashboard on UI mode.

I am struggling with the custom cards.
My ui-lovelace.yaml has the following code:

  - url: /hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js
    type: module
  - url: /hacsfiles/scheduler-card/scheduler-card.js
    type: schedule-card
  - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-mushroom/mushroom.js
    type: module
  - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js
    type: module

and this is the structure of my www folder.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 103543

When I am using the UI dashboard sandbox only the mushroom card appears. Is this because they are added to the ui-lovelace.yaml, they are not available to the UI control dashboard? when I try to add them “+ Add Resource” in the Sandbox dashboard I get the message

“You are using your dashboard in YAML mode, therefore you cannot manage your resources through the UI. Manage them in configuration.yaml.”

I tried to add them to configuration.yaml and I get the error:

Configuration warnings

Integration error: resources - Integration ‘resources’ not found.

any suggestion?

resources don’t go into the ui-lovelace.yaml file.

they get entered in the “lovelace:” section of the configuration.yaml file.

Like this:

  mode: yaml
        mode: yaml
        title: Tablet
        icon: mdi:dip-switch
        show_in_sidebar: true
        filename: /config/ui-tablet.yaml
    - url: /hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js
      type: module
    - url: /hacsfiles/scheduler-card/scheduler-card.js
      type: schedule-card
    - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-mushroom/mushroom.js
      type: module
    - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js
      type: module

I’m not sure when that changed but it was some time ago.

Perfect! Thanks a million!

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