Adding second Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus for Z2M - Will this work?

I’m adding a second Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus for Z2M. I already use one for ZHA and I also have a ZWAVE dongle.

My question is this. When I plug the new device into the USB powered hub, will HA try to add it as a another Zigbee coordinator? How will I associate Zigbee2MQTT with that new coordinator?

I have a second Sonoff stick which acts as a router. There is firmware for that available.
Why would need a second coordinator? Too many devices already?

This shouldn’t be a problem. If ZHA tries to use the stick you will have the option to ignore - like with all discovered devices. You can then go into Z2M and associate the stick.

I have a very similar setup except that my first ZigBee coordinator is a Conbee II.

I have read that you need a separate stick for zha and z2m.

Yes, you do

Thanks so much

I see now what you mean. I misread that you already have ZHA and want another on Z2M.