Adding Seconds to Timer

Can someone help me with adding 10 seconds to my sensor? I’m using this to display an Alexa timer but although I expected a discrepancy I wasn’t expecting to play trial and error for 2 hours.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Kitchen Timer"
      value_template: >
        {% if states('sensor.kitchen_dot_next_timer')  != 'unavailable' %}
          {{ ((as_timestamp(states('sensor.kitchen_dot_next_timer')) - as_timestamp(now()))/60) }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
      unit_of_measurement: Minutes

Thank you!

what’s the output of {{ states('sensor.kitchen_dot_next_timer') }} in the template editor when the timer is on?

Output is in timestamp format. In doing this I learned that when Alexa sets a timer it treats it like setting an alarm, so this state remains constant once a timer is set. Like so:
