Adding separate webservers/programs on the same Raspberry Home Assistant hardware?

After a long wait I have finally received a Raspberry Pi 4B. I only have one and I would like to able to run Home Assistant and other web servers/programs on it.

I have gone with the HAOS install as I want to use add ons etc and It probably is the most straight forward and supported install.

Since add ons are docker containers I cannot find a generic webserver add on. I thought I could then run my web server from an add on.

I also have ssh root access and is there any reason I cannot install other users and webservers via ssh and run it within the same the base HAOS container? The webservers would be running on different ports so would not effect HA.

Or am I missing something. I really donĀ“t want to buy another Raspberry PI or have to go down the supervised or container install paths.