I am trying to intstall the Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB dongle from auto discovery. I previously used the ConBee from Dresden electronics, but it annoyed me to have dropped devices all the time, so I thought I’d try a switch.
During the install process, a message shows in an overlay saying “error” and nothing else.
The log shows these errors from the install process
No, but this is not an issue with connecting to Zigbee devices. I haven’t gotten to that. It is an issue with installing the Sonof usb-device, so I don’t think that is relevant.
Yes. A virtual cube on windows. A quite common way to do it, I am told
As mentioned, the stick is auto-discovered in HA, so I think it works.
Come to think of it, one of the benefits of virtualization is you can spin another environment up quite easily. If I try and see how it works on a fresh/vanilla HA, that might tell us something.