Adding support for FRITZ!DECT 400 to fritzbox

Hello guys!

I have a FRITZ!DECT 400 button lying around and wondered, if it is possible to use it in Home Assistant.

I activated the fritzbox integration but no devices turned up.

I used the fritzhome cli to generate some information about device:

DEBUG:pyfritzhome.fritzhome:<xml.dom.minidom.Document object at 0x7f6ecb0bdd68>
DEBUG:pyfritzhome.fritzhome:<device functionbitmask="32" fwversion="04.90" id="16" identifier="13096 0023608" manufacturer="AVM" productname="FRITZ!DECT 400">
        <name>FRITZ!DECT 400 #1</name>
        <button id="5000" identifier="13096 0023608-0">
                <name>FRITZ!DECT 400 #1: kurz</name>
        <button id="5001" identifier="13096 0023608-9">
                <name>FRITZ!DECT 400 #1: lang</name>

name=FRITZ!DECT 400 #1
  ain=13096 0023608
  productname=FRITZ!DECT 400

It would be great, if this could be done. Thanks a lot in advance!

It would be great… yes of course…

@M3atron Thank you


Shouldn’t it work with the Fritz integration? I’m also planning on getting one. Documentation of Integration says: Binary Sensor. Just want to make sure, that it is definitely not working.