Adding To Do Lists - Today

I’m beating my head against the wall yet again to create an automation that adds a to-do item to my to-do list with a due date of today. I can so far get it to work with no due date specified, but going any further, it appears I need to edit the rule in YAML. Here’s what this section looks like on my latest attempt:

service: todo.add_item
  item: Change toothbrush and floss heads
  due_date: today_at("10:15")
    - todo.tasks

I’ve tried multiple things in place of “today_at”, including “now()”, “today()”, and even today_at(), with no time listed. Every time, I get a failure in the trace of “Error: Could not parse date for dictionary value @ data[‘due_date’]”

I’m sure there’s some simple detail missing. Am I not using the right enclosing syntax? or am I just not familiar with the magic variable for today’s date?

Hi, as a long time user you know that formatting with YAML is very important.
How to help us help you - or How to ask a good questionFormat it properly

There you go

service: todo.add_item
metadata: {}
  description: Toodbrush
  item: Change toothbrush and floss heads
  due_datetime: "{{now().date()}} 10:15"
  entity_id: todo.chores

Tip: instead of doing this in an automation use a script so you can trigger it manually until you got the action right.