Adding travel time to current time

Hey everyone,

I’ve got an automation where I’m trying to take the travel time to home from a named zone and create an ETA in a notification. Is there a way to add the minutes for travel to the current time?

alias: Erin Left Swim Lessons
description: ""
  - platform: zone
    entity_id: person.erin
    zone: zone.oak_city_swim
    event: leave
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_5
      message: Erin Left the Swim Lessons, ETA - {{ ((now().strftime('%I:%M')) + ((state_attr('sensor.erin_travel_time_to_home','duration'))|int|timestamp_custom('%',false)) )  }}
mode: single

This sends a notification but the time is the current time not the ETA.
I was just sending the travel time but I wouldn’t always see the notification right away and then I’d have to do math in my head to figure out when time was to expect them.
What am I doing wrong here?
I’m getting travel time from Waze in minutes (9.45346 minutes).

I’m surprised you are seeing anything as your template is not quoted.

What format is the duration attribute in?

If it is a time datetime object you can do this:

message: Erin Left the Swim Lessons, ETA - "{{ ( now() + state_attr('sensor.erin_travel_time_to_home','duration') ).strftime('%-I:%M') }}"

If it is not a datetime object:

message: Erin Left the Swim Lessons, ETA - "{{ ( now() + state_attr('sensor.erin_travel_time_to_home','duration')|as_timedelta ).strftime('%-I:%M') }}"

hey @tom_l , thanks for the response and your help. The template was just putting quotes in my message when I quoted it so I took them out and it still worked. I was puzzled by that as well.
The format seems to be a fixed decimal

so I would guess that I’m not dealing with a datetime object but when I use the suggest code you provided it throws this error:

Error rendering data template: TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

Running it with the datetime code gives me this error:

Error rendering data template: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘datetime.datetime’ and ‘float’

I feel like I just need to be able to take the duration and convert it to a datetime object then add it to the current time but I’m stuck on how to do that.

Try this

message: Erin Left the Swim Lessons, ETA - "{{ ( now() + timedelta( minutes = state_attr('sensor.erin_travel_time_to_home','duration') ).strftime('%-I:%M') }}"

@tom_l that got it! Thanks for you help on this. I added on close parentheses to what you provided, here is the final code:

alias: Erin Left Swim Lessons
  - platform: zone
    entity_id: person.erin
    zone: zone.oak_city_swim
    event: leave
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_5
      message: Erin Left the Swim Lessons, ETA - "{{ ( now() + timedelta( minutes = state_attr('sensor.erin_travel_time_to_home','duration') )).strftime('%-I:%M') }}"
mode: single

How would I do this but with 24 hour time format as the message? The template you shared (thank you btw) does it as 12 hour time format