Adding wifi devices

I’m relatively new to HA, about 3 months. (been using Hubitat since May 2022)
I’ve seen some topics on wifi devices and people have said that wifi devices can be added to HA but I cannot find documentation on how to set up a basic wifi device, such as a Sonoff wife relay board or a basic power plug of some kind.
I’ve tried to add one in HA but don’t see a brand or an API that would allow adding wifi devcies.

Thanks in advance from a noob.

To add devices you have to add it’s integration first.
From settings - devices & services - Add integration
And look for the brand of your device.

If you cannot find your brand in the official list, try looking if an integration exist in HACS.
I have severa Sonoff switch (but Zigbee) and they work for me through ZHA (Zigbee for Home Assistant integration)

Thanks Simone77.
I have added several Zigbee devices with my Sonoff zigbee radio dongle integration.
I just don’t see anything for regular wifi devices.
Should the zigbee integration be able to add a regular wifi device?


I believe most use this integration since it is local

You can either add it as a custom repository or download HACS and install it from there

Hellis81, thanks.
I did some playing around and was trying to add a custom repo instead of the HACS route.
But I don’t know how to add the repo.
What do I put in here for a URL?


I don’t know.
Don’t even know what that is you took an image of. I use HACS and if I need to add another custom repository that is not in HACS I add it to the folders. Perhaps this is a new method?

Thanks. Hellis81. At first HACS looked more complicated than I wanted to do but I kept at it and it’s installed and I have installed the SonoffLAN. It works great. Thanks for you help.