Adding zwave integration

Sorry for the delay. I have been away due to work. I am currently on the latest verson of HA. I do have a zwave stick connected to my pie. I also have the advance to on as well. Any other ideas? Im thinking Maybe it could be on the frontend.

What are the contents of OZW_Log.txt?

Hey all. I too am new to this and am having an issue with z-wave. Home assistant loaded onto raspberry pi 4 with no issues at all, however, I was unable to get my Zooz S2 z-wave plus stick to run or install properly. Below is the error I get. Any help would be appreciated.

A couple of questions:

  1. I loaded the HA image directly to RPI4 without any other OS. Is this an issue? Should I load an OS (Linux) onto the RPI4 first?
  2. 2020-05-04 18:35:14 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Failed to parse configuration.yaml: in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 21, column 18: Unable to read file /config/zwave_device_config.yaml… Activating safe mode
  1. You wouldn’t even be asking question 2 if there wasn’t an OS booting up. If you used etcher to put the pi4 32bit homeassistant image on your sd card, you’re fine… refer to it as “HassOS” for troubleshooting purposes. If you used the 64bit image, that’s not the way to go for now, and you should redo it with the 32bit image.

  2. Looks like you might have a syntax error in your config. Please post your config so we can verify (again, using triple back ticks please).

If the file zwave_device_config.yaml doesn’t exist in your /config directory you can just create a blank file and it will fix that error message.

Thanks to you both. So, a bit embarrassed but I am guilty of over complicating the thing. I didn’t realize that I was able to simply “add an integration” with the “+” button. Duh

I am good now. Thanks y’all!

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