Addition two values in a value_templat


How do I add two values in a value_template?

value_template: '{{ value.split(" ")[0] }}'

And now i want to add a 0.009

The value is 1.30 and the result must be 1.309

value_template: '{{ value.split(" ")[0] + 0.009 }}'
Does not work :frowning:

How about this?

{{ (value.split(" ")[0] + 0.009) }}

Ah, thatโ€™s right. But now I have the problem that the value is a string- can s.o show me how to transfer it to float? The other way how to add the 9 as as string.

Thank you

Try a float filter:

{{ (value.split(" ")[0]|float + 0.009) }}

Thank you! Great!