Addon Hand Gesture Recognition

Hello everyone,

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my first addon project: Hand Gesture Recognition! :smile:

This project utilizes a wall-mounted tablet, an Android IP webcam for real-time streaming protocol (RTSP), and MQTT for seamless interaction with Home Assistant.

I’m excited to share this innovative solution with you all. Check it out and let me know what you think!


Doesn’t install here

24-03-16 09:39:04 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate (Full Access) Beta
24-03-16 09:39:04 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate (Full Access)
24-03-16 09:39:04 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config using incompatible map options, ‘addon_config’ and ‘homeassistant_config’ are ignored if ‘config’ is included. Please report this to the maintainer of Hand Gesture Recognition
24-03-16 09:39:04 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate (Full Access) Beta
24-03-16 09:39:04 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate (Full Access)
24-03-16 09:39:04 WARNING (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config using incompatible map options, ‘addon_config’ and ‘homeassistant_config’ are ignored if ‘config’ is included. Please report this to the maintainer of Hand Gesture Recognition
24-03-16 09:39:04 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-ons from store: 175 all - 0 new - 0 remove
24-03-16 09:39:04 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-ons from store: 175 all - 0 new - 0 remove
24-03-16 09:40:47 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config using incompatible map options, ‘addon_config’ and ‘homeassistant_config’ are ignored if ‘config’ is included. Please report this to the maintainer of Hand Gesture Recognition
24-03-16 09:40:47 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Creating Home Assistant add-on data folder /data/addons/data/a7f26584_hand-gesture-recognition
24-03-16 09:40:47 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.docker.interface] Downloading docker image with tag 1.0.2.

Weird, I tried again and even though the add-ons store tells me it failed, it is there.

Please document this.

Forgive my cynicism, but

  1. First time poster with no github history
  2. posts once and ignores responses from myself an @Rudd-O
  3. No documentation
  4. No changelog yet I am prodded to update the addon
  5. Addon with 8MB binary blob (gesture-recognizer.task 8373440 bytes)
  6. Mysterious first log message WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
  7. What happened to the earlier logs?

There is nothing necessarily bad here, but I for one am uninstalling.

No I am too fascinated to uninstall. I went out to my driveway camera and stuck my palm in front of it. Log now says

Restarted MQTT connection
Restarted MQTT connection
2024-03-17 13:27:48,825 - INFO - None
2024-03-17 13:28:22,787 - INFO - Open_Palm

Nothing to MQTT though.

Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t notice the comments. I added some documentation, I’m not very experienced in writing it. I also fixed some bugs so everything should work properly now :smile:

The app has some warnings but it works. I’ll fix it when I figure it out.

i tried to install it but no success.

Hi all I think this is a super innovative solution but I can’t get this up and running. Is it working still?

edit: got it. I had the wrong rtsp stream url. For anyone else that’s extremely literal and struggles with these sorts of things, the trick is to test the rtsp address with something like VLC to make sure it works then legit copy/paste into the rtsp box.

It now shows open palm, closed fist, pointing up, etc.