Addon ingress nginx and angular 10 example

Hi guys,

I am struggling to find a working example of a custom Addon that implements ingress and serves static angular 10 files via nginx. So far, I am able to configure the addon ingress + nginx server to serve static html files (they just work). However, when I put the angular compiled /dist files into the root file folder of nginx, I start having problems. It looks like the index.htmk is loaded but then any attempt to load js/css fails. I suspect something with routing or service worker is not working as expected.

Is there anyone who already sorted it out?

I’ve also created a simple Hello-World addon based on an angular 11 hello world + nginx server via addon ingress, to showcase the problem. Find it here

Is there anyone who can help to figure this out? I believe this would be helpful to a number of people.

I solve it thanks to @pvizeli .
I’ve updated the repository with a working example.
