Addon is not starting after crash during OPC UA tests

I was testing OPC UA connection with node-red, then node-red crashed.
Addon is not starting anymore.
I reinstalled Node-Red, same problem.

Nore-Red: 17.0.13

I tried to delete this file, but I cannot find:

Thank you for your help!

This is the protocoll:

5 Jun 23:04:49 - [info] Starting flows
Lese Signal 1: userIdentity is ANONYMOUS 
5 Jun 23:04:49 - [warn] [OpcUa-Client:Lese Signal 1] userIdentity is ANONYMOUS 
Lese Signal 1: userIdentity is ANONYMOUS 
5 Jun 23:04:49 - [warn] [OpcUa-Client:Lese Signal 1] userIdentity is ANONYMOUS 
5 Jun 23:04:49 - [info] Started flows
[23:04:49] INFO: Starting NGinx...
21:04:50.260Z :client_base_impl              :796   Creating default certificate ... please wait
21:04:50.468Z :client_secure_channel_layer   :1187  [NODE-OPCUA-W33]  client : server token creation date exposes a time discrepancy early by 1 hours 13 minutes 51.524 seconds
 ...                                                remote server clock doesn't match this computer date !
 ...                                                 please check both server and client clocks are properly set !
 ...                                                 server time :2024-06-05T22:18:41.927Z
 ...                                                 client time :2024-06-05T21:04:50.403Z
 ...                                                 transaction duration = early by 0.035 seconds
 ...                                                 server URL = opc.tcp:// 
 ...                                                 token.createdAt  has been updated to reflect client time
5 Jun 23:04:50 - [warn] [OpcUa-Client:Lese Signal 1] Create session with userIdentity node.client false userIdentity {"type":0}
Lese Signal 1: Create session with userIdentity node.client false userIdentity {"type":0}
Reading value by nodeId: ns=4;i=2;Datatype=Boolean
21:04:50.842Z :client_secure_channel_layer   :1187  [NODE-OPCUA-W33]  client : server token creation date exposes a time discrepancy early by 1 hours 13 minutes 51.550 seconds
 ...                                                remote server clock doesn't match this computer date !
 ...                                                 please check both server and client clocks are properly set !
 ...                                                 server time :2024-06-05T22:18:42.341Z
 ...                                                 client time :2024-06-05T21:04:50.791Z
 ...                                                 transaction duration = early by 0.099 seconds
 ...                                                 server URL = opc.tcp:// 
 ...                                                 token.createdAt  has been updated to reflect client time
5 Jun 23:04:50 - [warn] [OpcUa-Client:Lese Signal 1] Create session with userIdentity node.client false userIdentity {"type":0}
Lese Signal 1: Create session with userIdentity node.client false userIdentity {"type":0}
Reading value by nodeId: ns=4;i=2;Datatype=Boolean
5 Jun 23:04:51 - [red] Uncaught Exception:
5 Jun 23:04:51 - [error] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')
    at Object.module.exports.build_new_dataValue (/config/node_modules/node-red-contrib-opcua/opcua/opcua-basics.js:998:22)
    at write_action_input (/config/node_modules/node-red-contrib-opcua/opcua/102-opcuaclient.js:1778:23)
    at processInputMsg (/config/node_modules/node-red-contrib-opcua/opcua/102-opcuaclient.js:835:11)
    at connect_opcua_client (/config/node_modules/node-red-contrib-opcua/opcua/102-opcuaclient.js:650:11)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
[23:04:51] INFO: Service Node-RED exited with code 1 (by signal 0)
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping

Goto the addon page and open up Node Red, then click the Documentation page and look for how to start in safe mode.