Addon MQTT Explorer new Version

Thanks you very mutch

Starting yesterday Everytime I connect to mosquito using MQTT explorer it connects for a few moments and shows the IP but not topics. Then it disconnects and will not connect again.

Iā€™m the mosquito logs it looks like MQTT keeps trying to auth successfully but then crashes my mosquito container forcing it to restart over and over until I stop the mqtt explorer addon.

Mosquito did update yesterday to v 6.3.1

Anyone else have this issue?

EDIT: MQTT is working fine otherwise, getting new sensor data and displaying properly on HA dashboards.

I reverted to mosquito 6.3.0 and the issue persists.

I have 6.3.1 and no probleme for me :confused:

After instalation of Mosquitto broker 6.3.1, MQTT integration stop works, I canā€™t manually ā€œSTART LISTENINGā€ on MQTT settings page :-(. Home Assistant 2023.9.2 )

Having similar issues with mosquito. Now itā€™s just constantly restarting with an out of memory error. It has plenty of ram. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and now the integration does not connect at all. I am working on moving to the emqx broker and hoping itā€™s better.

Itā€™s MQTT explorer who crash mosquitto ?

Thanks so much for this add-on!

Iā€™m having an issue where whenever I try to add a certificate in the advanced tab, I just get a red error box with brackers {} and no error message. Nothing in the logs I can find either. And I canā€™t seem to upload or add a certificate.

Yes, I did not implement this feature in the software port as it involves file management :confused: . Also, the FS-related classes on the front end have been proxied.

After installing this add on, in devtools I cannot see sensors for memory and CPU usage taxed by this docker.
I can see those sensors for other addons.

Is it the addon responsibility to create such sensors?

The development of

seams to be dead.

I came here because in my Home Assistant the Addon stopped working since a while. I tried to find a solution or a different fork without success.

No. itā€™s supervisor responsability

Thanks! Just stumbled on this great add-on. Now I can use it on my tablet & phones.

@smeagolworms4 It would be great if you could also provide a current docker image for this great MQTT explorer!
Thanks a lot for your great work!


He has:

Yes, unfortunately my wording was wrong. I meant that it would be great if there was a current docker container image. Unfortunately, the last version is more than a year old and I think it is still mqtt explorer version 0.2.3. There is also an open issue in the Git repository.
I will contact the developer @thomasnordquist . Maybe he can also provide this. Would be awesome.

Just for the sake of completeness. I have successfully started up the mqtt explorer with the following docker-compose.yaml. But as I said, unfortunately it seems to be an old version (checked the README in the container itself), as the image is over a year old.

    image: smeagolworms4/mqtt-explorer
    container_name: mqtt-explorer
      - "4000:4000"
      - HTTP_PORT=4000
      - CONFIG_PATH=/mqtt-explorer/config
      #- SSL_KEY_PATH=
      #- SSL_CERT_PATH=
      - /home/pi/docker/mqtt-explorer/config:/mqtt-explorer/config
    restart: unless-stopped


Have you looked at this docker image: Link
That should be the current 0.3.5 version you are looking for.