Addon - OneDrive Backup

Please open Issues where they belong :slight_smile:
The “Unrecognized file found…” is when there is a file in your OneDrive backup folder (not locally) that’s not recognized as a backup. Take a look at that folder and see if that txt file is there.

For the failed backups - that happens if Home Assistant failed creating the backup. Please check your supervisor logs and see what you get there.

If you still have issues please do open an issue on the github repo.

Thank you very much. For pointing me to the Issues page and for the unrecognized file. That is the problem indeed.
I will investigate further the other problem.
Great stuff

Any ideia of developing business integration?

[ Enhancement request ] OneDrive Business support · Issue #31 · lavinir/hassio-onedrive-backup (

Thanks for developing OneDrive Backup add-on. I’ve been using Google Drive Backup add-on since forever but without extra space this quickly gets full and I decided to invest my money into Office 365. Right now I’m trying to test it now, will get back once anything gets uploaded.

It is already great to have this, however GDrive add-on had some pretty neat functionality like generative backups and I’d love to see these reimplemented in similar fashion here, plus instead of config page with manual value entry, a UI config page with list of elements, folders, excluded addons.

Okay, the backup works :slight_smile: There are some minor issues like status showing “stale” while log shows it’s performing backup.

@NirL , Thank you for the add-on. Works like a charm. Keep up the good work.

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@NirL I so much wish you joined forces with @sabeechen !!!

I run google drive backup on my HA instance and it works like a charge. On the the other hand, at my family level we do have a O365 subscription which gives us 1TB per person per year. I love google backup integration (and I have supported the project), but leveraging my existing license is quite appealing…

Keep up the great work! @NirL any chance we can buy you a coffee?

Yes the Google Drive addon was my motivation to create this as I wanted a similar feature set for OneDrive backups. If there is some functionality that might be missing for you feel free to raise and issue. Also, the addon also has a unique File Syncing backup option as well which you may find useful.

And absolutely, always appreciate the support with any coffees sent my way :slight_smile: Link can be found in the main GitHub project page

Hello, this add-on is great, I’m relying on it for all my backups!

Do you think that the file sync feature could be expanded to support this use case:

  • New security camera footage saved in /media/music
  • Trigger a filesync only backup to save these immediately to onedrive
  • Delete them after a certain time

That would allow me to view the latest recordings from the camera even if it get destroyed/disconnected. I’m currently looking into rclone to achieve this but it sounds like an overkill compared to your easy to use add-on.

Thanks for the work !

So if I understand the use case correctly, this is already something that mostly exists in the addon except for the triggering the File Sync immediately when the file is written. (As it is now, it will check for syncing every 5 minutes).

Also, I assume you meant if someone brings down your network or something not if the camera gets disconnected or destroyed (which wouldn’t matter even without the cloud backup).

With your reply, I realized that I wasn’t using your add-on to its full potential. I was limiting it to run only on certain hours using the “allowed hours” field, my recordings were only uploaded during the middle of the night.

Now that I activated it for the full day, the recordings are indeed being uploaded way more often. This is good enough for my use case. Thanks!

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@NirL Can I in someway restrict backups to only happen during a certain period of time of the day, and yet have the File Sync feature to immediately sync files throughout the day?

Currently the allowed hours applies to both. The rational is if you trying to avoid syncing ‘large’ amounts of data at certain periods, it doesn’t really make sense to apply this only to the backups.
What’s your use case ?

Anyway for tracking would be better if you opened an issue

Hi there! thanks for taking the time. My use case is the following: I have a few automations that get triggered when my CPU goes above a certain threshold and in my experience, running a backup (with Google backup add-on at least) actually hits these thresholds. That’s why I like having the option of limiting the time window where my backups will run (as I exclude my automations during that time window).

At the same time, I’m running frigate and object detection, and this can’t be scheduled. It happens when movement is detected, whenever that is.

I can go ahread an create an issue in GH of course!

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Is it possible to change the location of the App folder ?

I wanted to give a +1 for business support.

I understand the App Folder permission limitation and would be OK with an alternative method that grants access to the entire drive. I’m already paying for an O365 business subscription and would love to be able to utilize it for HA backups. Unfortunately, my HA backups are huge and would quickly exceed the personal storage limitation. Maybe a big warning/disclaimer on the security implications? Thanks for considering!

I’ll take another look at this in one of the next versions

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It is not - That path is connected with the OneDrive Special App folder permissions so that the addon only has permissions to that one folder in OneDrive. See more details here

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OK, thanks for the update, I"ll checkout the info on Github.