Addon: Transmission

Hi I got this error, with standard configuration

INFO: Starting NGinx…
nginx: [emerg] invalid port in “:” of the “listen” directive in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:2
[2019-12-27 20:24:25.087] Port Forwarding State changed from “Not forwarded” to “Starting” (port-forwarding.c:92)
[2019-12-27 20:24:25.087] Port Forwarding State changed from “Starting” to “???” (port-forwarding.c:92)
INFO: Starting NGinx…
nginx: [emerg] invalid port in “:” of the “listen” directive in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:2

i cannot install your fork

 ERROR (SyncWorker_13) [hassio.docker.addon] Can't build 7fe7fb24/armv7-addon-transmission:dev: The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c apk add --no-cache     nginx=1.14.2-r4' returned a non-zero code: 1

This add-on 8s abadonmed

It looks like there is recent activity on the Github, but, sadly, it still doesn’t seem to work.

I forked the addon and fixed some config issues, it works for me now with OpenVPN support.

Alexwijn/hassio-addon-transmission: Transmission addon for (


Hi, for people who don’t need openvnp support I created a version based on the linuxserver image here :

Compared to this version, there is :

  • (-) No openvnp, no ingress
  • (+) Added exposure of the settings.json in /config/transmission, possibility to choose download and incomplete folders and possibility to mount local drive or smb as option. It also works faster and smoother on my rpi3b (higher max download speed & smoother UI) but this could be due to a personal bias or a specific config.

It’s my first true addon (not a direct fork) so I’m open to feedbacks :slight_smile:


The OpenVPN works for me also, thx.

Are you using the Transmission integration in HA? I am not able to get it to work

I couldn’t make the transmission NAS addon work. I ran in some issues with the settings file having corrupted data. I don’t have the logs anymore, sorry.

While looking at your repo to understand where the issue could come from, I saw your qBittorrent addon. I tried it and it works great. I use it in combination with the Plex NAS and Samba NAS addons from The qBittorrent completes them perfectly and even allows for SSL access to the WebUI. Perfect !

I advise anyone looking for a torrent client addon working with NAS to give it a try.

Thx a lot for your work @alexbelgium.

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Thanks very much for the kind words! I actually have the same setup, except that I use emby (from my repo) instead of Plex. Samba NAS is great!

BTW I think I have identified the issue. The addon didn’t update folders permissions when installing although it allows custom PID/GID. It should be corrected :slight_smile: but indeed I also only use qbittorrent now I find it faster and more responsive on a rpi 3b+!

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I also got OpenVPN to work, thanks Alexwijn! I too am a user of Samba NAS so I tried alexbelgium’s new addon and managed to mount network drives without issues.

Now if only those two features could come together! I did try Transmission NAS
from but could not get OpenVPN to work properly.

FYI, I also forked this add-on. It’s currently working with openvpn. This is also now a proper add-on, because it points to a pre-built container, rather than on relying on the container to be built on the host. This means you will get update notifications which did not happen before.

FYI, the ovpn file must be in /config/openvpn and the filename in the box should not have the .ovpn file extension.

I also updated the upstream base container to the latest.

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Since I don’t see it mentioned here, worth noting there is a dedicated project for Transmission forced running through OpenVPN called transmission-openvpn.

There’s no need for ovpn files as most VPN providers are supported out of the box.

This can be ran as a Home Assistant add-on, for example just add this custom repository:

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Just installed your addon, @alexbelgium . Worked out of the box, without any trouble. Now I just need to configure remote access to Transmission so that I can automate it.

I’ll eventually try adding this for myself and I can make a push request when done if not implemented until then.

Anyway, thank you! :smiley:

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@g-nogueira Thanks for the feedback! I’m away for a couple weeks and won’t be able to work on it. If you propose a PR it would be with pleasure!

As I understand it is a custom gui ? If yes then, whether you do it or me, it could be better that we propose it through an addon optional option (boolean) so people can either use it or the default ui. I did that for example in my bittorrent addon, to propose 3 alternative ui in addition to the default.

Have a nice day!

Just noticed that the transmission settings are located on the config folder, so everything I needed was there.

Just to give context, I was trying to set up the Transmission integration so that I could use its sensors and, I thought, it was necessary to make any extra configurations on Transmission to allow remote access, but it turns out it isn’t. I was able to set up the integration perfectly.

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Great, thanks for the feedback!

How I can get only I’d from dict?
From this template:
{{state_attr('sensor.synology_total_torrents', 'torrent_info')}}

I get:
{'In Flames - Foregone (Limited Edition) (2023)': {'added_date': 1675873346, 'percent_done': '100.00', 'status': 'seeding', 'id': 1}, 'The.Last.of.Us.S01.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.x264-EniaHD': {'added_date': 1676095198, 'percent_done': '100.00', 'status': 'seeding', 'id': 2}}

I need only name of torrents and id.
How I can do this?

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The other transmission addon pauses my torrents a sec after they are added for no reason. This addon still works well. Thanks!

For those who are interested, I’ve created a new simple alternative Transmission addon that does not require the use of a VPN:

Hello Alex,

I found your addons yesterday evening and i am very happy thst i did.

Could you please (or anyone else) help me to set it up?

I am having HA on a virtual machine, i have downloaded the addon and in the configuration tab i updated the local network ip with HA’s IP and of course the OpenVPN user and pass. When i open the webUI it just shows a bad gateway message and asks me if i want to restart the addon.

Just to let you know that i use PIA VPN.

Apparently, i haven’t done something as on github you are providing configurations for docker. I dont have docker but where should i put these configs?

Setting it up is important for me as at the moment i am running a different VM with Windows just for Transmission with PIA.

Thank you (or anyone else) in advance!