Ran into this issue today…out of the blue when I wanted to update my zwave addon.
‘AddonManager.install’ blocked from execution, no host internet connection
Look everywhere. Tried nmcli g status. — ha network info – host internet = false. No way to get it back, …I am an IT guy so I know my way around linux and containers. However I am unable to wrap my head around the issue. Pings - DNS to external hosts work. Could this be a container DNS issue?
I wanted to chime in and report what I found to be blocked by my edge appliance: checkonline.home-assistant.io. I had to whitelist it and my issues went away. We block foreign domains and it’s a crude rule, obviously, since it blocks “io” domains.
I have a specific need where I sometimes have to use my phone for internet access while I want to develop HA on a local VM. I use a USB to RJ45 adapter which works fine until my phone starts messing around with my 2 SIM cards. After that network info reports being online, but nothing works in the HA. I have to reset the VM then things start working again.