I’m new with home assistant, so question may looks dumb.
I installed home assistant core on my raspberry pi via pip/venv/supervisord.
It’s running fine, all wheels compiled, nothing wrong in log files.
Now I’m trying to use some addons (zigbee2mqtt, for example), but can’t find add-ons menu. As I understand reading docs/forum, there should be link in settings menu, but I don’t have any links to addons or repos config at all.
How to debug it? Verbose mode is on, but I still don’t have any about addons in logs.
Looking at the code, addons seems connected with hassio module. According to logs, it’s loaded:
2023-02-17 10:15:02.540 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded hassio from homeassistant.components.hassio
How can I debug this problem? Is the problem with installation? May be, some keys don’t generated or something like that? Seems, home assistant custom installation from cli is not supported (why?), but I like this method
I have installed 2023.2.5 and 2023.1.4 - issue is the same, even on two different computers (rpi and x86)