I’ve been trying to find an example of how to run home assistant core on docker with addons. I realize that the addon store is unavailable in a docker install, but I wish to move away from a raspberry pi and I want to run home assistant on my docker host.
I am familiar with running docker containers but I have been unable to figure out how to properly setup a home assistant container with the various addons that I have grown to love.
For example, lets assume I wish to run the mqtt addon with home assistant core
Do I just create a home assistant core container and a mqtt container? i.e. can I use the homeassistant/amd64-homeassistant and the homeassistant/amd64-addon-mosquitto images?
Is there anyway to replicate ingress?
Could anyone be kind enough to point me to a tutorial or write up on how to integrate docker containers with home assistant or point me to a docker-compose file for reference?
Is it possible to restore a snapshot to a docker container install? Or do I need to manually set it up? How would one backup a docker install?
No, you can’t use the HA add-on images, they are specially modified to work with the HA environment. You need to use generic docker images.
You can check my docker-compose file in my github repo here:
I also explain in my README how I set up these containers and other stuff.
Personally I backup the whole VM as it’s easier, automatic and I have enough space xD there are multiple ways do backup your docker install, with Restic Backup or just backuo the volumes mounted to the containers or…