I have successfully configured the ADF DALI/MQTT converter and it is connected to the Mosquitto Broker of my Home Assistant.
I have 1 DALI lamp connected to the converter but it is not showing up as a Device in HA.
Could someone help me with the configuration of the MQTT Topics and DALI Access in the ADF configuration software so that HASS will discover it and be able to control the Lamp?
Can someone review my configuration and tell me what I am missing?
Hello. I am also struggling a lot with this interface.
But here are my findings:
Having DALI2MQTT connected doesn’t automatically mean that it will show up in HASS just because you have mqtt messages exchanged.
HASS requires specific messages to be published in specified format / specific topic names.
What DALI2MQTT offers you is just to be able to exchange some messages but they are not compatible with HASS.
For example, the converter expects to subscribe one topic with payload like {channel: 3, value: 200} so it can dim the lamp on addresss 3.
And to receive updates/button events you specify another topics that will be populated by the converter with specifc data from specific devices. This is very poorly documented and you may need to reach ADFWeb support for that.
What you need also is to write a software-level converter (may be in Node-red) that will transform converter messages into HASS messages
That also means that it is very hard (or impossible) to write a code that talks to DALI to discover devices and send special payload to HASS discovery topic. It will be easier to have fixed configuration for dali entities in HASS…
Sorry, can’t explain it clearer, I am still learning this product, it took me many mandays to understand how complex and counter-intuitive it is…
Hi all,
I got the same dali 2 mqtt converter, and I’m able to connect to mqtt, send and receive messages no problem with that, the only issue I got (and makes this unusable) is the ability to get the info from the Dali bus, when I activate the scan bus from the communication options, I receive the updates when the push button is activated, but as a result of scanning the bus the physical buttons become unreliable.
Is there any way to get the status of the lights on the bus without flooding it?
If I desactivate the scan option then I cannot see the status of the lights when someone operates the physical switches.