Adguard Addon stopped working - Can't create container / No such image

I’ve been using Adguard quite happily for a few weeks - but today it stopped working, the errors in the log are like so:

20-05-31 12:36:59 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [supervisor.docker] Can't create container from addon_a0d7b954_adguard: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such image: hassioaddons/adguard-armv7:2.4.1")

Any idea why this might have suddenly vanished? The image appears valid:
I’m guessing the autoupdate failed somehow?

I uninstalled and reinstalled the addon and it works again now. I’m guessing that somehow it failed to pull the new version of the docker image - possibly because I was using adguard as DNS so it couldn’t resovle the docker host while it was down?

Is there a way to force honme assistant to re-pull images?

Just curious. How much free space do you have?

I got the same issue at about the same time. For checking free space do I need to SSH or is there another way?

I have the same issue

20-05-31 19:33:38 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [supervisor.docker] Can’t create container from addon_a0d7b954_adguard: 404 Client Error: Not Found (“No such image: hassioaddons/adguard-armv7:2.4.1”)

50Gb free - so no issues there! (to check: ssh in, then df -h, don’t know if the GUI shows this anywhere).

Ok, it’s not a free space issue. I was thinking it might be a similar situation to updating HA and a 404 error indicated not enough free space. Guess that’s not the case here.

Same problem, I think it was the addon update I installed this morning (2.4.1).
Since I installed the addon recently and I didn’t change the settings that much I reinstalled it and it worked fine.

Same here, unable to use Adguard anymore since 2.4.1

The issue has been reported here, with some possible fixes.

What worked for me was installing Terminal & SSH from the Add-on store. Then pasting and running ha supervisor repair in the terminal. I had to start and restart Adguard a couple of times before it started working again

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Please read the add-on installation manual. Everybody that reported this issue, has skipped the first step of the installation guide.

It clearly states that step is important and ignoring it will cause problems.

I’m sorry but this addon has been running great for quite some time without me having to do any static IP configuration. I’m not sure if addon and manual changed to require this or I was just lucky, but you’re right that I hadn’t done that. So then I went through and created USB stick as instructed, which didn’t seem to do anything. Then I did it manually through nmcli verifying it had been done afterwards (nmcli> print ipv4) and yet I’m still not able to load AdGuard and still get

20-06-03 13:15:26 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker] Can't create container from addon_a0d7b954_adguard: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such image: hassioaddons/adguard-armv7:2.4.1")

in the system log. So forgive me for saying, but this isn’t really straightforward as it looks right now. I’d put myself in the somewhat seasoned tech user having worked in software tech industry for 20 years.

Check if you have enough diskspace.

Not even close to running out of space, at around 16% used.