AdGuard Home chokes LAN on Raspberry Pi 3 B

I’m running HA on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the AdGuard Home integration. I’d had Pi-Hole running on a separate Pi, but thought I’d use AdGuard instead, as it ‘lumped’ everything together.

I’ve now disabled AdGuard because the LAN became very slow - almost unusably so, with the network light on the Pi constantly on. The network is much faster now.

Would a Pi 3 B+ perform much better - are HA users successfully using AdGuard on a Pi 3 B+ and it would be worth me upgrading?

I’ve no “real world” experience dataon AdGuard other than running a small HASS instance on a 3B+, but:

  • Raspberry Pi - Wikipedia model comparison
  • The 3B and 3B+ have 1Gb of RAM
  • The 3B+ has a small clock speed increase from 1.2 to 1.4GHz
  • The 3B+ has a better video processor / GPU

My memory is the 3B was too slow for interactive use, but the 3B+ was the first device usable as a desktop computer for general use, likely due to the better GPU (although I thought the 3B only had 512M RAM).

My Yellow has a CM4, and shows about 1Gb of 2Gb memory used constantly, suggesting the 3B+ might be a little tight at 1Gb max for HASSOS. I’d suggest checking the System → Hardware tab for the memory and CPU usage graphs.

The good news is supplies of RPi4B are starting to return to normal so you might be able to upgrade.

If this helps, :heart: this post!