I’m running HA on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the AdGuard Home integration. I’d had Pi-Hole running on a separate Pi, but thought I’d use AdGuard instead, as it ‘lumped’ everything together.
I’ve now disabled AdGuard because the LAN became very slow - almost unusably so, with the network light on the Pi constantly on. The network is much faster now.
Would a Pi 3 B+ perform much better - are HA users successfully using AdGuard on a Pi 3 B+ and it would be worth me upgrading?
The 3B+ has a small clock speed increase from 1.2 to 1.4GHz
The 3B+ has a better video processor / GPU
My memory is the 3B was too slow for interactive use, but the 3B+ was the first device usable as a desktop computer for general use, likely due to the better GPU (although I thought the 3B only had 512M RAM).
My Yellow has a CM4, and shows about 1Gb of 2Gb memory used constantly, suggesting the 3B+ might be a little tight at 1Gb max for HASSOS. I’d suggest checking the System → Hardware tab for the memory and CPU usage graphs.
The good news is supplies of RPi4B are starting to return to normal so you might be able to upgrade.