AdGuard Home interfere with HACS


I configured adGuard Home in my server setup but after two days running I experienced that it interferes with my home assistant settings.
It will track HACS and will block any attempts from the source to download or update.
While it does not stop from notify me for the updates, it will block any attempt to install them.

One: Great, it is finding out that for some reason HACS has some security issues.
Two: I could then choose to manually update those with security issues or not.

Anyway, I removed just for now but I was wondering if there is someone that has had this issue before.

Ad-guard is a dns server that blocks access to addresses. The list of addresses is provided by you. If you want it blocking GitHub, fine. If you don’t, then change it.
There is no more security problem with GitHub than a URL for a newspaper or YouTube.

Also if you have no idea what software is for or does, you shouldn’t be using it.

(EDITORIAL) Ad-guard has nothing to do with security, it provides you control over what you are allowed to see and what you are not, IE personal censorship. It is mostly used to block porn sites when young minds are using the access, but it also is there to prevent content creators from being paid for their work in case you want to do that. No security involved, really. If used in conjunction with other software it can control what outside dns server you use, but so can any router on the planet. This is my opinion, and it may not be shared by everyone.

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