This community is awesome and I’ve come along way from humble beginnings, thank you all.
Run into an issue with lighting automation (I have three modes day/dusk/night) to reduce power usage and so we don’t burn our retinas every night when lights turn on at full brightness.
Lights can be turned on via multiple inputs (motion/googlehome/physical-button).
When motion is triggered - I have a node-red flow which checks the status of an input_select to determine what brightness to turn the bulb on at (day-mode or dusk-mode or night-mode). When this flow triggers, the bulb goes from 0% brightness to the correct brightness seamlessly in one transition.
BUT - If I turn the light on via Google Home or via the Light Entity in Home Assistant, then it defaults to go on to the previous temp/bright (which can be wrong since it was turned off the night before during night-mode). So if I’m sitting in the living room and I ask Google to turn on the light - its a dull red light (even though I day-mode is active and if motion had triggered the light then it would be correct).
The only workaround I’ve found is when the light turns on, run a check and re-adjust then (but this results in undesirable behaviour).
Does anybody have any insight to offer?
I think the solution I need might be to define a lights temperature/brightness while it is OFF - is that possible?