Adjusted package.json of node-red-contrib-spotify locally, how to ‘reload’ it into Node Red?

Sorry this is probably a silly question.

I saw that node-red-contrib-spotify does not have all Spotify API functionalities.
Essentially node-red-contrib-spotify is a wrapper around spotify-web-api-node which is missing these functionalities.
I see that this fork has the missing functionalities.

So I opened \\addon_configs\a0d7b954_nodered\node_modules\node-red-contrib-spotify\package.json and adjusted the dependency to point to the fork:
“dependencies”: {
“spotify-web-api-node”: “github:sergencug/spotify-web-api-node”

But how do I get Node Red to reload the package.json file? I tried rebooting the node red addon in Home Assistant, but it didn’t work.

I understand that running the command “npm install” prior to restarting Node Red would probably be necessary. But I’m not sure that’s possible when Node Red is installed as an add-on in Home Assistant (my case). I tried it using the Terminal & SSH add-on but it didn’t work…

Many thanks

Which api functions? Spotify just ended certain endpoints.

GetQueu, getPlaylistCoverImage, addToPlaybackQueue & getAvailableMarkets