I configured a utility meter, via frontend (helper). It is counting the daily/monthly/yearly growth of a sensor (heat output) in kwh.
The integration the sensor values come from made some trouble. Way to high values where set (60.000 instead of 3000). I tried to set the sensor to a special value via service, but that leads to an error:
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.service
Source: helpers/service.py:833
First occurred: 15:29:26 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:29:26
Referenced entities sensor.heat_amount_yearly are missing or not currently available
I can set the value manually via developer tools. I can delete all entries from “statistics”. But an after a restart of HA, the counter shows 60.000 again.
I am not sure what to do, how to correct it. Sure, I could make a new counter, but doing this, I would loose all longterm statistics. There must be a way. What am I doing wrong?